USA Truck to Present at Cowen and Company 9th Annual Global Transportation Conference

Economic slowdown doesn't stop growth

Last June 15th, in front of the members of the Yukon Chamber of Commerce in Whitehorse, Bank of Canada Governor Stephen S. Poloz stated that the Canadian economy is making progress in adjusting to low oil prices and recovering from the global financial crisis. This review of the outlook took into consideration the impact of the wildfires in Alberta last spring that affected oil sands production in Fort McMurray. ...Read the rest of this story

U.S. truck-related fatalities up 4.1% in 2015

WASHINGTON, DC — New data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's fatalities report shows that 2015 had a 4.1% increase over 2014 in crash fatalities involving large trucks. There were 4,067 fatalities in crashes involving large trucks, the highest since 2008, the report states. Of the 4,067 fatalities, 667 (16.4%) were occupants of large trucks, 10.1% were non-occupants, and 73.5% were occupants of other vehicles. The report does not account for fault in the crashes. ...Read the rest of this story

HDT’s Comprehensive Commercial Vehicle Market Profile Now Available

Heavy Duty Trucking's 2016 Profile of the U.S. Commercial Vehicle Market, a comprehensive examination of the Class 2c to Class 8 truck and trailer markets, is now available in print or PDF format.

The profile shows commercial markets from both a historical perspective as well as a current market measurement and includes the most comprehensive truck and trailer data in the commercial vehicle industry, according to the publishers, HDT and MacKay & Co.

The 2016 Profile of the U.S. Commercial Vehicle Market provides a complete, first-hand view of how the transportation industry has changed from a historical perspective.

"The profile is a valuable planning resource, presenting an unbiased picture of Class 2c through Class 8 commercial truck and trailer ownership and usage," said David Moniz, publisher of Heavy Duty Trucking.

The profile also includes:

2016 forecast for Class 2c – Class 8 trucks and trailers2000-2015 historical truck and trailer data by vocation and fleet sizeHistorical brand share and engine sales data for all major OEMsCurrent truck and trailer universe data by vocation, fleet size, and class of vehicleCurrent aftermarket data by vocation, fleet size, class of vehicle, channle type, and point of service1991 – 2016 freight movement in the U.S.Truckable Economic Activity, an economic measure unique to MacKay.

To find out more about the report, contact Justin Miller at [email protected] or (847) 496-5902 or purchase it online here.

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Volvo Group Outlines SuperTruck II Plans

Volvo Group has outlined how it plans to use $20 million in federal funding to further the freight-moving efficiency of heavy-duty trucks as part of the SuperTruck II initiative.

Volvo Group said its team of researchers and engineers will use alternative engine designs and an integrated system approach to build a lightweight tractor-trailer concept that will exceed the freight efficiency goal of 100% improvement on a ton-mile-per-gallon basis compared to a 2009 baseline. The team is also tasked with demonstrating powertrain capable of 55% brake thermal efficiency. Volvo Group and its partners will match the development funds dollar-for-dollar.

To achieve these goals, the company plans to leverage its experience in vehicle development along with established partnerships with advanced technology and trailer equipment vendors.

Those partners include Michelin Americas Research Company for tires, Wabash National for trailers, Metalso for lightweight frames, Johnson-Matthey for exhaust aftertreatment systems, and Peloton Technology for platooning and connected vehicle tech.

Volvo will also partner with Oak Ridge National Laboratory for aftertreatment testing and analysis, Pennsylvania State University for connected vehicle testing, Knight Transportation for long-haul fleet, and Wegmans Food Market for regional-haul fleet.

Volvo will also be unveiling its first SuperTruck concept from the original program this September, the company said.

The $20 million is part of a larger investment by the Department of Energy to develop next generation fuel-efficiency technology for commercial and passenger vehicles. Other manufacturers being funded as part of the SuperTruck II initiative are Peterbilt, Cummins, Daimler Trucks North America, and Navistar.

Cummins will design and develop a new more-efficient engine and advanced drivetrain and vehicle technologies.By reducing drag and rolling resistance, Peterbilt will work with Cummins to improve aerodynamics by 15% in all wind directions to gain up to 7.5% better fuel economy.

Peterbilt said it will also improve efficiency through auxiliary systems, such as ...Read the rest of this story