Source Photonics Unveils Industry’s First 400G QSFP-DD ER8 Supporting Up to 40 km Reach at OFC 2019

5 Mar by Vitaliy Dadalyan

Source Photonics Unveils Industry’s First 400G QSFP-DD ER8 Supporting Up to 40 km Reach at OFC 2019

SAN DIEGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–lt;a href=”” target=”_blank”gt;#100Glt;/agt;–Source
, which previously led the market introduction of 100G LR4
in QSFP28 form factor that enabled the deployment of 100G solution
within datacenters, now unveils the industry’s first 400G QSFP-DD ER8
supporting up to 40 km reach at the OFC show in San Diego, CA. A live
400G traffic demonstration of 400G QSFP-DD ER8 over 40 km single mode
fiber, leveraging Source Photonics’ unique compact TOSA/ROSA design, can
be seen at the Source Photonics booth #4021 from March 5-7, 2019.

The 400G ER8 in 40 km reach is expected to fill the gap between the
currently available low-cost and power efficient PAM4 based 400G
products in a shorter 10 km reach. This will also serve as a more
practical alternative to the higher cost, coherent-based optical
transceivers well suited for greater than 80 km reach applications that
are out in the market.

“We are pleased to be the first to demonstrate the viability of the 400G
QSFP-DD ER8 solution supporting up to 40 km reach and showcase our
technical leadership in PAM4 based high data rate products,” said Frank
Chang, PhD, Source Photonics’ Chief Engineer. “We believe that the 400G
ER8 in QSFP-DD form factor will enable wider deployments of 400G
solutions for telecom and routing applications,” continued Dr. Chang.

In addition to the ER8 demo, live demonstrations of a wide range of
higher data rate PAM4 based products, e.g. 400G LR8, 400G DR4, 100G FR,
and 50G ER, can also be seen at the Source Photonics booth. For more
inquiries about the 400G QSFP-DD ER8, please contact [email protected].

About Source Photonics:

 is a leading provider of innovative and reliable optical
communications technology that enables communications and connectivity
in datacenters, metro, and access networks. We add value to our
customers by developing next-generation solutions that enable their
growth by meeting the rapidly increasing demands of cloud
infrastructure, wireless communications, routing, and
fiber-to-the-premises applications worldwide. Source Photonics has key
R&D and manufacturing facilities in California, Taiwan, Shanghai,
Chengdu, and Jintan, China. For more information about Source Photonics,
please visit


Jasmin Basal
Marketing Communications
Phone: 818-885-4202
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