HDT Emerging Leaders Nominations Extended Through Friday

Heavy Duty Trucking magazine is seeking nominations for the HDT Emerging Leaders honor, a group of young trucking industry leaders already making a difference in his or her fields. The award is being sponsored by Omnitracs, the fleet management and telematics software provider.
The deadline has been extended through Friday, Oct. 28 so nominate someone soon.
We’re looking for young professionals who are influential, innovative and successful, who can point to outstanding accomplishments and leadership qualities, and who have a passion for the trucking industry.
Emerging leaders will be under 40 years of age and work for a for-hire, private, government or vocational fleet. The award nomination is open to those employed in any aspect of a fleet’s business at any level including management, maintenance sales, marketing, safety, IT, training or elsewhere.
Whether a person is in the top management position of a company, a shop foreman or the IT person who led a key data transition, as long as they are making a difference in the trucking industry they are eligible for nomination.
Leaders honored as an HDT Emerging Leader will be featured in an article in our December print magazine issue. Additionally, three of the Emerging Leaders will be included in a webinar discussion. Details on the webinar are forthcoming.
The nominee must be under 40 years old as of Jan. 3, 2016, self-nominations are also being accepted.
To nominate an Emerging Leader, fill out our online nomination form found here.
Related: Heavy Duty Fleets Honored for Sustainability and Efficiency at FTX
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