E-Horizon Weather Alert Service Helps Drivers Avoid Traffic

Weather Telematics is now offering E-Horizon Weather Hazard Alert Service, an Add-In provides customers with a proactive accident avoidance system that transmits verbal and visual warnings of weather-related road hazards to dispatchers and drivers.
E-Horizon is designed to provide a toolkit for fleet managers and telematics service providers to manage the impact of weather hazards on fleet logistics.
“We are excited to be launching our E-Horizon Road Weather Hazard Alert Service with Geotab,” said Bob Moran president and CEO, Weather Telematics. “The focus of our business is reducing transportation risk and saving lives. Our relationship with Geotab reflects our strategic goal of providing safer transportation services in all global markets through strong global partnerships.”
The service is available on the Geotab Marketplace which offers GPS fleet management and vehicle tracking solutions. The Marketplace is a complement to the MyGeotab platform provides customers with an ecosystem of business-focused applications and add-ons. The Marketplace is on track to feature over 200 third party application by the end of the year.
“Fleet and driver safety is one of our major focal points at Geotab, which makes E-Horizon an excellent addition to the Geotab Marketplace,” said Neil Cawse, Geotab CEO. “With its proactive weather alert capabilities on both a verbal and visual level, we anticipate that Marketplace users from fleets of all sizes will reap significant benefits with E-Horizon.”
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