CVSA's Safe Driver blitz set for Oct. 16-22

12 Aug by

CVSA's Safe Driver blitz set for Oct. 16-22

WASHINGTON, DC — Oct. 16-22 marks the latest scheduled enforcement blitz for North America’s commercial motor vehicles as part of Operation Safe Driver Week.

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance says it will engage both commercial vehicles and passenger vehicles work in harmony. Interactions between the two camps continue to be the leading cause of collisions. Driver behavior is the critical reason for more than 88% of large truck crashes and 93% of passenger-vehicle crashes, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Large Truck Crash Causation study. Commonly dangerous factors include speeding, failure to use a seatbelt while operating a CMV or in a passenger vehicle, distracted driving, failure to obey traffic control device, traveling too closely, and improper lane changes.
Law enforcement officers pulled over 21,012 commercial motor vehicle drivers and passenger vehicle drivers during the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CVSA) 2015 Operation Safe Driver Week. Additionally, 19,480 North American Standard Roadside Inspections were conducted by CVSA-certified inspectors on commercial drivers and vehicles.

