Category: Trucking News

Volvo, Peterbilt to join SuperTruck II program

Volvo Group North America and Peterbilt announced they have joined the U.S. Dept. of Energy's (DOE) SuperTruck II program.

Under a SuperTruck II award announced by the DOE, Volvo Group North America is scheduled to receive $20 million in federal funding that it will use to improve the freight-moving efficiency of heavy-duty trucks. The Volvo Group said it and its partners will match the development funds dollar-for-dollar.

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DOT Seeks Comment: Do Fed HazMat Regs Preempt Calif. Break Rules?

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Image: Paccar Financial


Image: Paccar Financial


The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration is inviting public comment on an application from the National Tank Truck Carriers Inc. to determine whether federal hazardous-material regulations preempt or override the state of California's meal and rest break requirements. PHMSA noted that California law generally prohibits employers from requiring a truck driver to work during any meal or rest period.

In its application, NTTC lists three reasons why it contends federal law should preempt California law: it creates unnecessary delays for the transportation of hazardous materials; it conflicts with the attendance requirements of the Hazardous Materials Regulations; and it creates an obstacle to accomplishing the security objectives of the HMR.

The notice, issued on Aug.30, will be open for comments for up to 45 days after it is published in the Federal Register. The date of publication will be determined by the Federal Register, but PHMSA said a preview of the notice is available on the agency's website.

Controversy over California's meat and rest break provisions has been percolating for years, both in the court system and on Capitol Hill.

In 2014, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled a California law requiring a 10-minute rest break for every four hours worked and a 30-minute meal period every five hours, when a work period is more than five hours, does not violate a 1994 federal law.

A year later, the U.S. Supreme Court denied motions filed by trucking companies seeking to overturn that lower court ruling. In seeking review of the appellate court ruling, one of the petitioners, Penske Logistics, contended that the California law is preempted by a 1994 federal statute that prohibits states from enforcing laws “related to a price, route or service of any motor carrier” transporting property. In the Ninth Circuit's 3-0 ruling, Judge ...Read the rest of this story

NATSO Wants Better Incentives to Create Alternative Fuel Corridors

Truck stop industry trade association NATSO is urging the Department of Transportation to work closely with private, exit-based businesses to improve incentives for establishing alternative fuel corridors on our nation's highways.

Section 1413 of the FAST Act directs DOT to identify and establish strategic fueling corridors to support alternative-fueling stations, including electric, hydrogen, propane and natural gas fueling infrastructure. The refueling infrastructure must support both passenger and commercial vehicles in both the near and long-term to make use of alternative fueled vehicles a more viable option for consumers and businesses.

In comments filed with DOT, NATSO urged the agency to implement Section 1413 of the FAST Act in a way that would strengthen the incentive for private investment in alternative-fuel infrastructure, saying that “state governments should not provide transportation fuel paid for with tax dollars.”

“NATSO members' locations are well positioned to play a vital role in establishing alternative fuel corridors,” said Lisa Mullings, NATSO president and CEO. “The best way to accomplish the Administration's objectives of increasing alternative fueling infrastructure throughout the country is for the government to work with existing exit-based establishments to install such infrastructure at privately run businesses, including travel plazas and truckstops.”

By working with private businesses, the government can further enhance the incentive for private sector investment while consumer demand is still low, according to NATSO. The association believes that fuel retailers are best suited to meet infrastructure needs as the next generation of clean and alternative fueled vehicles emerges.

“Furthering the deployment and use of charging and alternative fueling facilities is best realized if the travel plaza and truckstop industry's business environment is recognized as an asset,” said Mullings. “Building alternative fuel facilities at truckstops provides the opportunity for an incremental investment at an existing facility. This is a very efficient way of accomplishing the Administration's goals.”

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