Category: Trucking News

Cold Weather Battery Maintenance is Important for Uptime

During the harsh winter months in the United States and Canada, proper truck battery maintenance is consistently a top-of-mind item for me. I think about it when I start my car in the 16 degree eastern Pennsylvania mornings. It creeps into my thoughts in the middle of the day when I'm reviewing reports.

For my second column, I wanted to share with you some best practices that our experts employ. It's best to spot potential battery problems as part of a PM (preventive maintenance), as opposed to during a road breakdown.

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President Trump and economy: Q&A with Noël Perry

Regs, infrastructure, trade, federal debt: What trucking can expect Has Donald Trump the candidate and president-elect written some campaign checks on the U.S. economy that President Trump can't cash? The odds—and history—say that he's very likely over-promised and will under-deliver. That doesn't mean the Trump economic team won't try, or that White House policy won't have an impact on trucking.

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Fleet Maintenance Summit coming to Montreal April 19

MONTREAL-- Newcom Média Québec, publisher of Transport Routier magazine, and PIT Group, an organization specializing in truck-related technological trials and fleet advisory services, are pleased to announce that the “Sommet canadien sur l'entretien de flotte (SCEF)”, the Montreal version of the Canadian Fleet Maintenance Summit - which was a resounding success last year in Toronto on the sidelines of Truck World, will be introduced as an official ExpoCam 2017 event. ...Read the rest of this story