USA Truck Reports Fourth Quarter and Full-Year 2016 Results

Photo: U.S. Department of Transportation
">Photo: U.S. Department of Transportation
">Despite its ultra-wonky clunkiness, “infrastructure” is a word that keeps right on trending hard inside the Beltway. And that's a good thing for trucking. But talk is not action.
Apparently not content to wait for what may be in the trillion-dollar infrastructure plan promised but yet to be released by the Trump administration, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee has opted to push out to social media its take on what's needed for infrastructure “to take on the challenges of the 21st century” via a new web-based informational campaign.
Dubbed “Building a 21st Century Infrastructure for America”— or “#building21” for short— the initiative aims to explain the committee's “vision for America's infrastructure that promotes job creation, encourages economic development, and prepares the Nation for the breakthroughs in mobility that are around the corner,” said Chairman Bill Shuster (R-PA).
A key element of the campaign is a dedicated website designed to “focus attention on policies that will build a 21st century infrastructure.”
The site, which went live on Feb. 6, so far features the perspectives of Shuster and other committee members as well as a “vision statement” for the initiative.
“This isn't simply a website,” said Shuster. “The committee will continue to hold hearings, listening sessions, and roundtables throughout the Congress as part of our agenda to explore what system users, manufacturers, and consumers need to truly develop an infrastructure and transportation network that is second to none.”
One can only hope the committee's digital effort will at the very least spur more discussion on Capitol Hill of:
What infrastructure needs fundingHow exactly that infrastructure should be fundedHow quickly that funding can be packaged and sent to President Trump to signTo be sure, it is boldy stated on the website that you should: "Tell us at #building21."
Related: The Not-So-New ...Read the rest of this story
A. To remain in compliance with the ELD mandate, owner-operators must install these ELDs. Telematics is an added benefit of utilizing these devices, giving you a complete view of your fleet vehicles and drivers.
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...Read the rest of this storyA. Regardless of your fleet's size, telematics can reduce costs, reduce idling, improve driver behavior, and keep your vehicles well-maintained and running smoothly.
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...Read the rest of this storyA. Cost can be an issue to some fleets before they understand the overall return on investment and cost savings that are made possible with a open platform fleet management solution. Another area that can be challenging in trucking is resistance from drivers who may feel like the technology overreaches. It's important to rollout telematics in a way that is inclusive of driver feedback and to make sure they understand how it could also benefit them (such as helping exonerate drivers in the case of false claims).
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...Read the rest of this storyPhoto: Scania Thailand
">Photo: Scania Thailand
">Sweden-based truck maker Scania AB said on Feb. 6 that it has identified Thailand as one of the key markets in Asia and so is expanding its industrial and commercial operations there.
A new assembly plant for trucks and bus chassis as well as a manufacturing facility for truck cabs will be established in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region. The total investment is pegged at EUR 21.2 million (almost U.S. $23 million). Operations are scheduled to start in 2018.
In addition, Scania will establish a regional headquarters in Thailand to support its distributors in the Asia and Oceania markets.
"The new establishment will bring all industrial and commercial functions in Scania even closer to our customers in Asia in general and in Thailand in particular," said Ted Göransson, project director. "By increasing our local presence, we will be able to quickly respond to customers' demands and make sure that we provide the best transport solution for each customer."
The expansion complements the already announced increase in Scania's service network in the country from the current 10 facilities to 18 workshops in 2019.
Scania is owned by Germany's Volkswagen AG.
Related: Scania Tests Autonomous Platooning in Singapore
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