Category: Trucking News

2017 Fleet Owner 500

America's Top Private Fleets

Few outside of trucking, and even many in the industry, realize that America's 500 largest private fleets operate 1.38 million trucks and tractors. For-hire carriers are undoubtedly the public face of trucking as they haul the lion's share of freight in this country, yet private fleets run the overwhelming majority of commercial vehicles on our roads as they quietly fill critical support roles for all types of businesses.

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Fleet Owner February 2017

The February issue of Fleet Owner presents its annual look at the 500 largest private fleets in America with the Fleet Owner 500. We also take a look at distracted driving and the technology that may help the problem it unintentionally created. Also this month, Fleet Owner looks at Phase 2 Powertrains and how their integration is just the start for future savings as OEMs work to get truck engines, transmissions, even axles, to think in sync as a complete unit.

Beyond phase 2 powertrains 2017 Fleet Owner 500 Distracted driving ...overblown? Publication Info ...Read the rest of this story

Bendix Brake Shoe Kits Reduce Installation Time

Bendix Brakes brand automotive brake shoe kits are designed to reduce installation time by including all of the necessary components for a complete brake shoe job.

The brake shoe kits include the brake shoes, wheel cylinders, spreader springs and installation hardware. This can save shop owners time that would be spent sourcing the different needed components, according to Bendix. Brake shoe kits also require less storage space since a number of products normally stocked separately are included in a single box.

Using the Bendix shoe kits, shops can replace all relevant components during a brake shoe job, reducing the likelihood of an old component breaking and reducing the need for additional maintenance. The brake shoe kits are offered as part of the Bendix Premium line that includes brake pads, discs, and shoes.

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