Kit Carson Electric Cooperative Board of Trustees Approve the Construction of Nine Additional Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Northern New Mexico

1 Jun by Vitaliy Dadalyan

Kit Carson Electric Cooperative Board of Trustees Approve the Construction of Nine Additional Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Northern New Mexico

TAOS, N.M.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Kit Carson Electric Cooperative, Inc (KCEC) is installing nine additional electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in the Enchanted Circle to complement KCEC’s regional beneficial electrification plan for a greener, cleaner future. KCEC commends the hard work by the municipalities, tribes, governments, and Enchanted Circle COAD members to aid the transition to EVs in Northern New Mexico. Not only will EV’s reduce carbon emissions, but they will also provide a new opportunity for rural communities to invest in more carbon-efficient vehicles.

The KCEC Board of Trustees unanimously approved the nine additional EV chargers to KCEC’s current EV infrastructure. The future of transportation is shifting toward a carbon-free environment that relies on EV vehicles, charging stations and new cars with an extended battery range. The addition of the new stations will create opportunities for locals, tourists and businesses to invest in EVs.

“We are creating a clean environment for our communities to preserve the natural beauty of Northern NM. Creating a carbon-free climate will raise the standard for a better quality of life for our younger generations. We are investing in their future,” says CEO, Luis A. Reyes

KCEC wants to thank the Town of Taos, EC-COAD members, Renewable Taos, Taos County, Village of Red River, Village of Eagle Nest, Village of Questa, Village of Angel Fire and other critical stakeholders for their cooperation on the EV project. The participation and buy-in from these entities’ plan to introduce EVs to their fleets helps to support a regional carbon reduction footprint.

In a joint effort, KCEC is engaging with local and state stakeholders to find the desire for electrification infrastructure opportunities in our communities. Through a series of meetings, KCEC and these organizations have created a working group to address issues regarding KCEC’s Beneficial Electrification Plan.

Sol Luna, a local solar installer and KCEC partner, will utilize a local labor force to install the EV charging stations in KCEC’s service territory. KCEC’s overall Beneficial Electrification Plan will import and introduce new economic development opportunities to the region and fill the demand for long-range electric vehicle drivers.

Once the EV Project is completed, KCEC will have 19 EV charging stations with 28 charging points for the communities to use. In May of 2020, KCEC received a New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) grant award, for $200,119, as one of 43 projects throughout the state from the Volkswagen Settlement Fund. The grant is meant to initiate an EV charging station network in the state and the Enchanted Circle.

KCEC’s great partnership with its wholesale energy provider, Guzman Energy, gives KCEC the flexibility to reduce its carbon footprint while adapting to the transition of renewable energy. Guzman Energy has been a partner of KCEC since 2016 and is helping KCEC meet its goal of providing 100% daytime solar energy by 2022 through the development and commissioning of several solar arrays throughout the region.

About Kit Carson Electric Cooperative

Formed in 1944, Kit Carson is a member owned electric distribution cooperative in northern New Mexico and is the second largest cooperative in the state. Kit Carson is one of 16 electric cooperatives that serve rural New Mexico communities, serving nearly 30,000 members in Taos, Colfax and Rio Arriba counties. To learn more about Kit Carson, visit


Jill Petersen

[email protected]