U.S. commits $137M to advance fuel-efficient truck tech

24 Aug by

U.S. commits $137M to advance fuel-efficient truck tech

WASHINGTON, DC — The U.S. Department of Energy is announcing up to $137 million in investments for two programs designed to develop next-generation fuel-efficiency technologies in commercial and passenger vehicles, including more funding for SuperTruck II.

The program is designed to advance environmental and innovative technologies for heavy- and medium-duty vehicles while accelerating technology advancement for passenger cars and lighter trucks.

Through another initiative, the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Vehicle Technologies Office Program Wide Funding Opportunity Announcement selections, 35 new projects will receive $57 million to develop and deploy an array of cutting-edge vehicle technologies. These technologies include advanced batteries and electrical drive systems to reduce carbon emissions and petroleum consumption in passenger cars and light trucks. …Read the rest of this story

Source:: http://www.todaystrucking.com/us-commits-137m-to-advance-fuel-efficient-truck-tech
