National Trucking Week 2016: Heavy trucks & drivers deserve a “brake”

You can’t work in the trucking industry for long without realizing the interconnectedness of the trucking world – goods with communities, roads with ports, airports, and railways, regulations across international and provincial borders and municipal boundaries, you name it. Another connection may not be immediately apparent: National Trucking Week and “jake” brakes.
National Trucking Week celebrates the efficient and largely unobtrusive work men and women in the industry undertake daily to provide us all with essentials year round. Few businesses or communities would survive without them. Jake brakes, a nickname for engine brakes, are used on heavy trucks to slow the vehicle down using engine compression. Engine brakes are also extremely efficient but may not be so unobtrusive, especially when not properly muffled.
The connection between the two isn’t about noise – festivals and fireworks and loud bangs from brakes – it’s about safety. …Read the rest of this story