Kriska gives young hero a truck

13 Nov by

Kriska gives young hero a truck

TORONTO, ON – The smoke pouring into the truck was thick and there were just moments to act when Ickroop Mangat, just 23-years-old, and his trainer Dave* were involved in a multi-vehicle collision during a sudden, zero-viability snowstorm outside Montreal last Winter.
The new driver for Kriska Transportation acted in a heartbeat, kicking in the driver’s side window and crawling out of the cab before helping his instructor out behind him. Panicked and on fire, the instructor ran from the truck, but Mangat tackled him to the ground, practicing the ‘stop, drop, and roll’ method to put out the flames and save the man’s life.
His actions on that day earned Mangat the Bridgestone-Ontario Trucking Association Truck Hero Award at their annual conference last week, but Mangat says he’s no hero. …Read the rest of this story

